Last In Line

Well it’s been too damn long
And now I’m too damn old
Got lost between here and that old road
Too many miles have I walked alone

His hands now gone to guide my path
Her memories are all that’s left
As each day is further from
When they both left

Years flown by with months they cry
As the past travels back in time
To days when they were still alive
Where memories were being made to live

Though they’re gone from their lives
Memories have survived the graves
As the little child trapped inside
Breaks down and hides

While the realization quickly sinks
He’s now the last in line
With no more living behind
He’s left lost out in the crowd

But all his life, he’s been raised
To live a life properly
Treat a wife how she deserves
And raise his kids same he was

Though the past now gone
Not to be replaced
The lessons once learned
Can’t be erased
But passed on down the line

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